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Showing posts from August, 2018

Oracle Forms- When Tab Page Change app_folder.event('KEY-NEXT-ITEM');

--R2.. Added by Scshah XWIIQLTYDISP.check_tab; --End R2. -- Added by Qutub M for SDR 5234 DECLARE tp_nm VARCHAR2(30); tp_id TAB_PAGE; tp_lb VARCHAR2(30); BEGIN tp_nm := GET_CANVAS_PROPERTY('XWII_MATL_DISP_HOLDS_V_TAB', topmost_tab_page); tp_id := FIND_TAB_PAGE(tp_nm); tp_lb := GET_TAB_PAGE_PROPERTY(tp_id, label); :global.tab_page := tp_lb; IF UPPER(tp_lb) LIKE 'LOTS' THEN app_folder.event('KEY-NEXT-ITEM'); END IF; END; -- End Added by Qutub M for SDR 5234

Oracle Forms- Attachment in multiple windows for a single fmb(form)

Important Note: If Attachment is use in multiple windows for a single fmb(form) If you open window for eg TEST  from main window then  if TEST window has attachments enabled and if you open the attachments from test window and try to close the attachments window, it will also close the TEST window. Better define a new TEST.fmb  (Form File) and try to open the TEST.fmb from main window. With fmb it will only close the attachment window and not the TEST.fmb Window

Oracle Forms -- Enable folders for a particular resp IN A LOOKUP and also restrict by a partcular column

The Below code in WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE OR WHEN-NEW BLOCK-INSTANCE WHEN MULTIPLE BLOCKS HAVE FOLDER FUNCTIONALITY atchmt_api.init('XWII_CUSTOMER_ITEM'); --Start of changes for View Setup Redesign project DECLARE lc_folder_title  VARCHAR2(1000); BEGIN :PARAMETER.RESP_NAME := fnd_profile.value('RESP_NAME'); --Check if the Resp is eligible to Create the Folder.:PARAMETER.CREATE_FOLDER will be used later to enable/disable create Folder. DECLARE --Create Folder eligibility CURSOR lcu_create_folder (cp_resp_name IN VARCHAR2) IS   SELECT 'Y' FROM   fnd_lookup_values flv WHERE  flv.lookup_type = 'XWII_VS_CREATE_FOLDER_RESP' AND    UPPER(flv.meaning) = UPPER(cp_resp_name) AND    flv.enabled_flag = 'Y' AND    NVL (flv.start_date_active,   SYSDATE - 1) < SYSDATE AND    NVL (flv.end_date_active,   SYSDATE + 1) > SYSDATE; lc_create_folder_...

Oracle Forms - Window Resize ( Changing window size upon minimizing and maximising)

-- Added by Qutub M for View SU Redesign Proj. (Notes) DECLARE ln_width_diff NUMBER; ln_item_width NUMBER; ln_canvas_width NUMBER; ln_view_width NUMBER; BEGIN IF :system.EVENT_WINDOW = 'FULL_NOTE_DISPLAY' THEN ln_width_diff := TO_NUMBER(GET_WINDOW_PROPERTY('FULL_NOTE_DISPLAY',width)) - :PARAMETER.FULL_NOTES_WIDTH; ln_item_width := TO_NUMBER(GET_ITEM_PROPERTY('FULL_NOTE_DISPLAY.FULL_NOTE',width)); ln_canvas_width := TO_NUMBER(GET_CANVAS_PROPERTY('FULL_NOTE_DISPLAY',width)); ln_view_width := TO_NUMBER(GET_VIEW_PROPERTY('FULL_NOTE_DISPLAY',width)); -- SET_VIEW_PROPERTY('FULL_NOTE_DISPLAY', X_POS, 0); SET_VIEW_PROPERTY('FULL_NOTE_DISPLAY', WIDTH, :parameter.view_width+ln_width_diff); SET_CANVAS_PROPERTY('FULL_NOTE_DISPLAY', WIDTH, :parameter.canvas_width+ln_width_diff);     SET_ITEM_PROPERTY('FULL_NOTE_DISPLAY.FULL_NOTE', width, :parameter.item_width+ln_width_diff);     --M...

Oracle Forms -- Important Syntaxes

1. To get the enabled property of the item APP_ITEM_PROPERTY.GET_PROPERTY('CONTROL.FILTER_HOLD_RECORDS',ENABLED) 2. Disable Attachment for this Block in WHEN-NEW-BLOCK-INSTANCE  APP_SPECIAL.ENABLE('ATTACHMENTS', PROPERTY_OFF); 3. Default Where / Default Order By Set_block_property('XWII_MATL_DISP_HOLDS_V', Default_where, Lc_query); Set_block_property('XWII_MATL_DISP_HOLDS_V', order_by, Lc_query); 4. Visual Attribute    a. Define Visual Attribute for eg 'XWII' where you can set Colour  b. SET_ITEM_INSTANCE_PROPERTY('block.item_name',CURRENT_RECORD,VISUAL_ATTRIBUTE ,'XWII'); 4. Visual Attribute for Record APP_RECORD.HIGHLIGHT('XWII'); Where 'XWII' is the visual attribute where you can set Colour. 5. Initiliaze SPECIAL Menu app_special.instantiate ('SPECIAL1', GET_GROUP_CHAR_CELL ('SPECIAL_MENU.SPECIAL_MENU_ITEM', 1), '', TRUE, ''); 6. execute_trigger('SPECIAL25...

Oracle Forms-How to Enable Attachment in Custom Form of Oracle Apps

How to Enable Attachment in Custom Form of Oracle Apps Step to enable Attachment Option in Oracle Apps Custom Form:   1)       Navigation: - Application Developer -> Attachment-> Document Entities 2)       Now enter the information as shown below and save the records. 3)       a) Open ‘Attachment Functions’ Screen b) Entered the following information as shown below. c)Save the records Navigation: - Application Developer -> Attachment-> Attachment Functions                Note: - Name = Form name   4)         Click on ‘Categories’ and select ‘Miscellaneous’ from LOV and save the records.   5)       a) Open the’ Attachment Functions’ again and select the type as ‘Function’ and entered the corresponding function name of the Form (function name=n...

Oracle Forms - How to Enable Folder Functionality in Custom Forms

How to Enable Folder Functionality in Custom Forms   Follow following steps to enable Folder Functionality in Custom Form or if you want to export column heading in export file along with data: Attach APPFLDR Library APPFLDR can be found in $AU_TOP/Res/Plsql directory on server where forms are residing. Reference STANDARD_FOLDER Object Groups STANDARD_FOLDER Object group can be referenced from APPSTAND form which resides in $AU_TOP/Res/US. This will also copies the dependent objects required for object group. Create <BLOCKNAME>_RECORD_COUNT parameter Create <BLOCKNAME>_RECORD_COUNT parameter where BLOCKNAME is the name of the block containing columns to be displayed. Data Type should be Number and Put default Value of 2. Canvas You need two canvas- one content and one stacked. Let us name content canvas as PROJECT_FOLDER and stacked canvas as PROJECT_STACK. Both the canvas have same window. Windows Create One Window. Name it PROJECT_FOLDER with view name ...