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Oracle Forms-How to Enable Attachment in Custom Form of Oracle Apps

How to Enable Attachment in Custom Form of Oracle Apps

Step to enable Attachment Option in Oracle Apps Custom Form:

 1)      Navigation: - Application Developer -> Attachment-> Document Entities

2)      Now enter the information as shown below and save the records.

a) Open ‘Attachment Functions’ Screen

b) Entered the following information as shown below.

c)Save the records

Navigation: - Application Developer -> Attachment-> Attachment Functions

               Note: - Name = Form name

4)        Click on ‘Categories’ and select ‘Miscellaneous’ from LOV and save the records.


5)      a) Open the’ Attachment Functions’ again and select the type as ‘Function’ and entered the corresponding function name of the Form (function name=name of the form in which attachment will be enable).

b)Save the records and click on ‘blocks’


a) Now ‘Block declaration’ Screen will open.

b) Entered the following information as sown below.

c) Block Name=”Enter the name of the BLOCK”

d) Secured by= none

e) Context1= “Name of the column with block name”

f) Click on ‘Entities’ button

a) Now ‘Entity Declaration’ screen will be open.

b) Select the ‘Entity’ name that has been entered in ‘Document Entities’ Screen.

c) Privileges will be selected ‘Always’ as default.

d)Checked the ‘include in indicator’ Flag

Go to PRIMARY KEY FIELDS tab and entered the primary key fields as shown below. Now save the records.


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